Save Water to Secure Your Future

About 76 million people in India are without access to clean and safe water. The reasons are numerous out of which some of them are, pollution and over-exploitation, rapid pace of industrialization and greater emphasis on agricultural growth combined with financial and technological constraints and non-enforcement of laws. Accessing drinking water is a problem and assuring it is safe is a challenge by itself.As Per the Water Aid’s report on Wild Water- The State of the World’s Water 2017, without access to clean water, 63 million people are living in rural areas in India. Diseases such as cholera, blinding trachoma, malaria and dengue are expected to become more common and malnutrition more prevalent. Climate change is another major factor resulting in water availability. Unpredictable weather patterns are particularly challenging to the water and food supplies of agriculture-reliant rural communities. Longer dry spells result in crop failure and shortages of food and clean dri...