Swachh Bharat Abhiyan stressing on the importance of clean and modern sanitation

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the swachh Bharat abhiyan which was been taken lightly for several years have suddenly picked up momentum. The Prime minister of India have made it very clear to the citizen of India that it is very important to inculcate civic sense and value among each and every Indian so that India can become as clean and green as the west. Not only cleanliness fosters a countries growth by attracting foreigners but also provides better environment to live and grow.
Few of the initiatives which have taken place in Delhi and other cities of India after the Benega Swachh India abhiyan is improving sanitation. Not only the country is heading towards development but the CSR Initiative under Swachh bharat is also doing its bit by walking hand in hand with the Prime Minsters approach. Under the auspices of CSR Initiative under Swachh bharat, it has been stress on that each household should have proper sanitation facilities with covered toilet with proper doors and water facilities. Gradually Corporate Social Responsibility Delhi will try and enhance these facilities by improving the standards and making them smarter and easier to use.


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