CSR for Women EmpowermentEquipping Women with livelihood generation

We have come far from the time when females were meant to stay at home. They were neither given chance to enter educational institutions, nor they were allowed to work. In this era, women are no less than males and hence have entered every profession. The ratio of educated women have increased to a good level, but still there are many females, especially in rural areas or slum areas who are not educated enough to generate livelihood opportunities.

Seed CSR focuses on girl child as well as on women’s empowerment at the same time. This is why we initiate numerous CSR for women empowerment by joining hands with corporate companies.A deepthirst in all of us is much needed for women empowerment byequipping every disadvantaged woman with essential skills and providing livelihood generation opportunities. According to a survey, India has one of the lowest percentagesof women employees and have very low Corporate Gender Gap ratio. This demands every company to come forward and invest more in for CSR initiatives in India. A huge ratio of disadvantaged women population is struggling hard for earning a good living for their family.

Read More at http://www.seed.ind.in/2017/12/19/csr-for-women-empowerment-equipping-women-with-livelihood-generation/


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